Carne Mechada (Venezuelan Shredded Beef)



2 1/2 pounds flank steak, or any cut of meat that shreds well
1 onion, quartered
1 bay leaf

1. bring water to a boil and cook meat for about 2 hours (cooking time depends on cut of meat). Strain broth and reserve

2. shred meat while still warm


2 tablespoons oil
1 onion, chopped
1 cup leaks, thinly sliced
1/2 cup scallions, sliced
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 cup tomates, crushed
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 fresh chili of your choice, finely chopped
1/2 cup white wine
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tablespoon cumin powder
1 tablespoon smoked paprika powder
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/2 to 1 tablespoon hot sauce
1 bay leaf
salt and pepper to taste
2 cups or more reserved broth

1. heat oil and sauté onion, garlic, chili, leaks and scallions. Add tomatoes and bell pepper and continue sautéing. 

2. add in dry seasoning ingredients plus Worcestershire sauce and hot sauce, stir well and deglaze with wein and broth. bring to a boil and add shredded meat

3. simmer for 1 hour or more, adding extra broth if meat seems too dry. Taste for seasoning


This dish tastes best when made one day ahead!

Serve Carne Mechada with rice, black beans and fried plantains for a typical Venezuelan dish, or with Arepas (recipe in previous post) as shown in picture