Saffron Prawn Risotto
Prawn Stock
Shells, including heads from approximately 20 large prawns
2 tablespoons (30ml) olive oil
1 tablespoon (14g) butter
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
2 tablespoons (28g) tomato paste
1 cup (240ml) white wine
4 cups (960ml) water
1 bay leaf
1. peel shrimps and set flesh aside. Heat olive oil and butter, and add shells. Cook until they turn pink
2. add fennel seeds, deglaze with wine. Pour in water, and mix in the tomato paste. Crush the shells, bring to a boil, add bay leaf. Turn heat to low, season with salt, and simmer for 30 minutes.
3. strain and set aside
Saffron infused white wine
mix 1 cup (240ml) of water with some saffron threads, cover and set aside for 30 minutes or until ready to use
1. devein and cut in bite size pieces
2. heat 2 tablespoons olive oil and fry the prawns briefly
2 tablespoons (30ml) olive oil
1 tablespoon butter + 2 tablespoons (14g + 28g) for mixing in at the end
2 cups (400g) Arborio rice
2 shallots, finely chopped
saffron infused wine
flesh from prawns cut in bite size pieces and cooked
1/2 cup (50g) fresh parmesan cheese
fresh parsley
salt & pepper
Keep stock over heat while cooking the rice
1. heat oil and butter in a heavy bottomed large pan or dutch oven, and cook shallots until translucent. Add rice and toss constantly with a wooden spoon until grains turn opaque
2. deglaze with saffron infused wine, and simmer until wine has evaporated
3. add enough stock to just cover the rice. Continue simmering and adding stock one ladle at a time, allowing liquid to be absorbed after each addition while you slowly mix the rice with a wooden spoon
4. cook rice until just al dente. Check for seasoning, and add the cooked prawns and parsley. Stir until prawns are warmed through
5. take risotto of the heat, mix in the butter and parmesan, and serve immediately