Plum Compôte


8-10 plums, pitted & cut in 6 wedges
1 3/4 cups (414ml) water
3/4 cup (150g) soft brown sugar
1 cinnamon stick
3 cloves
1 vanilla pod, seeds scratched out, or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1-2 teaspoons cornstarch
juice of 1 lemon

1. bring water to a boil, add sugar and whisk until sugar dissolves. 

2. lower heat, add plum wedges, cinnamon, cloves and vanilla seeds. Simmer 10 minutes.
Remove plums. Cook for 5-10 minutes. Mix cornstarch with some of the hot liquid and whisk it into rest of sauce to thicken. Return plums to sauce. Mix in lemon juice 

Serve warm or cold with ice cream, yoghurt, over granola, waffles, crêpes, etc